[MATLAB] k-means演算法

k-means又稱c-means Clustering,k表示群集的數量,演算法如下

  1. 給定一資料集S,選擇k個點當群集中心(群心)。
  2. 計算每一資料與各群心距離,資料歸類在與之最短距離的群心那群。
  3. 歸類好的資料再算出一個新的群心(通常用平均)。
  4. 看新的群心與舊的群心位置是否接近或者固定。
  5. 重複2~4直到4成立,則分群完畢。


Input : 群數k, 群心Centers of clusters(kC) 
Subroutine:算距離distFunc, 算新的群心re_center, 分群clustering

Input : 群數k, 群心Centers of clusters(kC) Output:分群結果team Subroutine:算距離distFunc, 算新的群心re_center, 分群clustering main k_means(Database, k, kC, distFunc, re_center, k_clustering) While 1 分群結果 team = clustering(Database, kC, distFunc) 重新找群心 NewkC = re_center(Database, team, k) If 新的群心NewkC和舊群心kC差距可接受 Then  //差距可接受代表分類完成 kC = NewkC //更新群心 break; Else //還沒找到滿意的群心就繼續找 kC = NewkC //更新群心 End If End While 1 return team, kC //回傳資料群集編號和群心 End k_means sub re_center(Database, team, k) For each Cluster of k 新群心NewkC = 屬於第team(Cluster)組的資料取算術平均數為新的群心 End For Cluster return NewkC End re_center sub clustering(Database, kC) tempDist = ? //距離暫存器,?要比所有可能的距離都大 For each P of Database For each C of kC 距離dist = distFunc(C, P) If dist < tempDist Then //紀錄哪個群心最近 tempDist = dist FLAG = C End If End For C 將tempDist 變回 ? team(P) = FLAG //P點的分類完成 End For P return team End clustering

MATLAB code:

function [team kx ky]= k_means(x, y, kx, ky, seed_num) while 1 team = k_Clustering( x, y, kx, ky);% 分群 [nkx, nky] = k_re_center(x, y, team, seed_num); %更新新的群心 if ( sum(kx == nkx) == seed_num ) && ( sum(ky == nky) == seed_num) %新的群心是否跟舊的一樣 kx = nkx; ky = nky; break; %一樣的話就跳出 else %不一樣就繼續 kx = nkx; ky = nky; end end

function team = k_Clustering(x, y, kx, ky) % This is for K-Clustering % (x,y) are dataset and (kx, ky) are Cluster-center mid_dis = 9999999999; %距離的暫存器 for i = 1 : length(x); %總共要判斷length(x)個資料 for j = 1 : length(kx); %總共有length(kx)個群集中心 dist = k_distFunc( [x(i) y(i)], [kx(j) ky(j)]); %計算第i個資料和第j個群集中心的距離 if dist < mid_dis %判斷距離哪個群集中心較近 mid_dis = dist; %更新距離的暫存器 FLAG = j; %紀錄現在距離哪個群集中心最近 end end mid_dis = 9999999999; %距離的暫存器變回初始值 team(i,1) = FLAG; %第i個資料屬於第FLAG個群集 end

function [kx, ky] = k_re_center( x, y, team, seed_num) % re-find clustered data for new cluster center for i = 1 : seed_num kx(i) = sum(x(team == i )) / sum(team == i); ky(i) = sum(y(team == i )) / sum(team == i); end

function D = k_distFunc(P1, P2) % This is for finding Distance Between 2D Points % Input can be an vector D = norm(P1 - P2);



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